Yesterday and for the first time in my life I sent out a distress signal to my friends, just letting them know that I wasn't the best, that I was feeling alone and needed comfort. I was taking a gamble that they might not return my S.O.S. and I would feel even more alone but I needed to do this.
I still can't believe it, the text's, emails and calls from near and far. My Friends telling me they love me, that they are thinking of me. They listened to me, and how I was feeling, they let me cry without hushing me. We talked about themselves too and things going on in our lives... I heard myself laugh about something funny, it was like a revelation! Even in the pain I was in, I could still laugh, and I will laugh again. I have to go through this pain, experience it, but it will subside and I will laugh again.
Yes I am weak, yes I cry, yes I feel like crap, YES I am HUMAN!
One's friends are that part of the human race with which one can be human.
~George Santayana
Thank you all!
Eva x
I'm so glad you connected with your friends when you needed them and sorry for making you laugh so much (insert embarassed smiley)
You are one of the most independent, loyal, friendly, lovable people I know. It is ok to be weak and needy for a while and to lean on your friends, isn't that what friends are for :-)
Sorry to hear you are going through a sad time - and to quote Janet
" You are one of the most independent, loyal, friendly, lovable people I know. It is ok to be weak and needy for a while and to lean on your friends, isn't that what friends are for"....
Hey girl, you'll be fine! As I told you what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And another saying, a trouble shared is a trouble halved. take care of yourself. love and hugs.
Ditto what everyone said above and that's exactly what friends are for.
Loads of {{{{{HUGS}}}}} goin your way.
Eva sorry to hear things are not good atm. If we didnt care we wouldnt keep checking in here to see what you're up to. look after yourself. {{{ HUGS }}}=0)
Thank you all so much. Its words like your that help heal the pain :-)
awww eva.
so so sorry it has been hard times for you.
but look at the positives that came from this situation.
now you know that the world does not end when you ask for help, in fact when you reach out for support the world becomes a better place.
Keep smiling Eva, things can only get better ((((HUGS))))
Hope things look up for you soon. Knowing that so many people obviously care for you is something to draw strenghth from.
We all need friends and hugs and ears to bend - never forget that. One day at a time.. Big hugsxx
xx Ruth
Eva sorry I missed your call when I was away and good for you for doing the right thing and letting people know how you are. Hope things are a little better this week - you're a strong woman and this will pass..
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