
Sunday, February 02, 2014

Let's get our Mums in front of the camera

During the week Lorraine & Amanda came into the studio to collect their Couture Session portraits, while we were going through each image, they both agreed how lovely it was to have a portrait of the 3 of them but most important at long last they have a portrait of their Mum. Her wall is adorned with gorgeous images of her kids and grand kids but none of herself. Well not anymore.

get mum in front of the camera

This made me think of the last image I took a photo of my Mum, i did her makeup and took some beautiful images of her but this was long before the Couture Sessions. I have a beautiful portrait of my Mum & Daughter hanging on my wall, but there is an image missing... one my my Mum, my Sister and myself. I'm determined to rectify that in the next few weeks. Watch this space!

How many Mum's have a wall full of images of their kids but none of themselves? I'm determined to change this, I'm starting a campaign to get our Mum's in front of the camera. #mumsportrait

Get in touch if you want your Mum in front of the camera xxx

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